Saturday, March 29, 2008


The Saturday before Easter, we came down to the valley. We went out to the desert in the morning with the Morris'. Karson had a blast eating eggs, rocks, and hunting for Easter eggs!! He played with Nicolas and Hunter(Waters). Then we went to Nana and Papa Blair's house and hunted for more eggs with Heather's kids and Michael's kids. Later, we went to Lexi's baptism. It was a fun filled day!!


We are all "SPECIAL" said...

Awwww, so cute! I love the family pic at the desert with Bella...It seems more complete ;)

Myron and Heather said...

Hey I said NO pictures of me at the hunt!! I wish we could have gone to the desert!


Yeah new pictures!! I am so sad we were sick that weekend! NO FUN;( I would have loved seeing everyone!

Karson is a cutie as always...

How is the new house? Do you love it?

Love you guy's

Class and Sass said...

AWWWW! CUTE!! WE miss you guys!!!

Anonymous said...

So now that Brianna is pregnant when is it your turn again? :) I love the pics. Holidays are the best. I can't wait for Labor day and camping.