Monday, August 31, 2009

SURPRISE! The newest addition to our family!

So friday night, we discovered that Bella had a puppy! That's right, a puppy! We had no idea she was even pregnant! She was acting funny on friday, and now I know why! We didn't realize she had her puppy until we went to let her outaide before bed! I felt awful that she didn't have a place to have her baby, but it would have helped if I would have even known. We aren't even sure who the father is. I guess maybe we'll be able to tell when he gets older. Oh, that's right. HE! I guess we just can't have girls in our house! ha ha

Now, he's all black with one white stripe down his belly. I'll take any suggestuions for names. Mikey wants to name him Mouse, because when he first saw Bella he thought she had just caught a mouse. I think it's lame, and Heather thought weshould name him Edward, you know "Bella", but Mikey won't go for that. Suggestions anyone?


Tami Ray said...

Mouse would work too because Mel's dogs name is Mickey and since this is also related to Tike like her dog (Tike is his Gpa ha ha) then there would be a Mickey and a that a stetch. LOL

We are all "SPECIAL" said...

Mouse is GAY!!!!!! VETO!!! Dude, you gave in on Zack...he should give you Edward!! (well maybe you shouldn't use your veto on a dog) Or at least call him Eddie...IDK...just anything but that!! Definitely NOT Mouse!

Mandy said...

LOL I thought you were going to say SURPRISE we're pregnant! I was going to die for you. LOL.. Puppies are much easier!