Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Snow in May?!

So we are driving home from Saint Johns where we went to Mikey's nephew's 8th grade graduation, and it started snowing!! It was crazy and snowed that night and a little the next morning. So I snapped a few pics of our yard in the morning. It looked more like January 23rd instead of May 23rd!!!


Katie and Josh Johnson said...

Yeah that was a crazy storm. I don't know if you remember, but the power was out all over town forever!


I know everyone thinks I am crazy...but I miss the snow! It looks beautiful!!

I miss you guy's! At least I have been in your house before you lived there;) lol How is your pregnancy?

Karissa said...

OMG! I am so jealous. This heat is killing me. Please tell me you made a snow angel? SO FUN!